Festival of Gingerbread is an open-air event dedicated
to Torun’s gingerbread.
Festival of Gingerbread returned to Torun after a few years
break. The event was so popular that it had
to come back to the city. What is
more, 11 years ago, there was the grand opening of the most tasty and the most
aromatic place in Poland- Museum of Torun Gingerbread.
As before, Gingerbread Festival will be a two-day event. Fun will begin each day at. 11.00 and last until the late evening. Many of attractions have an educational aspect,
not only for children but also for
adults. There will be concerts, dance for children and adults,
performances, exhibitions, numerous workshops, shows and animations.
The program of
the event is really
diversified. We start up with culinary demonstrations of world-renowned chefs going through the tasting session and international baking workshop and we end with
the family breakfast in the courtyard of
Torun Town Hall.